Created for Coffee Lovers.

Benefits of Coffee - Why Coffee is Good for You

Dave Carter

Published: July 28, 2021

Last updated: September 4, 2024

If you can't seem to begin your day with a piping hot cup of coffee, you're not alone. In fact, following global statistics, people worldwide consume more than 2 billion cups of coffee every day. Whether you're rushing with a travel mug on your way to work or running out after class to refuel your body with your favorite cappuccino, it's hard to imagine a day without drinking coffee. The caffeine perks you up, and there's just something unique about enjoying a cup of joe during busy mornings. Plus, the benefits of coffee are ever-expanding!

So, just what is in this magical drink? Coffee contains numerous nutrients, ranging from niacin, potassium, magnesium, riboflavin to antioxidants, which are crucial for one's health. Then, of course, there's its caffeine. This stimulant blocks an inhibitory neurotransmitter called adenosine in your brain, reducing tiredness, and improving alertness. With all these combined, coffee is one of the most beneficial drinks out there, and pairing it with your regular diet can do wonders for your health, benefiting all coffee drinkers.

However, helping your body operate isn't the only thing coffee can do for you. Throughout this article, we've featured all the advantages of coffee — and downsides.

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The Different Benefits of Coffee Backed By Science

Different Benefits of Coffee based on research

Previous research hinted that coffee might have a dark side; newer ones suggest that it can provide many benefits. For instance, a scientific review published in 2016 outlined the different advantages coffee drinkers had over those who don't. It looked at more than 1,200 separate cases where coffee got studied regarding any positive or negative side effects. The most notable health advantages it provided include a lower risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, liver disease or liver cancer, neurological disorders, and prolonged life. However, you can only enjoy these when you stick to the recommended limitations, which are 3 to 5 cups per day or 400 milligrams of caffeine.

However, for women who drink the brew, ensure you're not breastfeeding or pregnant as it can affect your baby's health. If that's the case, your limit may be one to two cups of coffee per day. Moreover, despite its many advantages, coffee still has its risks thanks to its high caffeine content. For instance, too much coffee drinking increases your risk of temporary high blood pressure and increased cholesterol levels.

Your regular coffee habit is relatively safe and can provide several beneficial features, but it still has its side effects, such as an increased risk of heartburn, insomnia, and anxiety.

Is Coffee Good for Your Health?

People who drink coffee in moderation, which is around 3 to 5 cups a day or 400 milligrams of caffeine daily, have been proven to have a better overall health status. Researchers have given consistent evidence that coffee is associated with a lower risk of death, cardiovascular disease, type-2 diabetes, Parkinson s disease, liver cancer, and more. Whether it's lungo coffee or a specialty cup from Urdu café, there's no denial about coffee benefits, making it a brew that's good for your health.

For years, experts believed that coffee is a possible carcinogen (cancer-causing agent), but the recent dietary guidelines released in 2015 changed that perception. For the first time in ages, moderate coffee consumption is now part of a healthy diet. Thanks to researchers finding out that coffee's advantages heavily outweigh the bad, even when they found out that many coffee drinkers also smoked.

Another study backs up the brew's advantages, where experts associated it as a benefit rather than harm. Examining over 200 reviews of previous research entries, they observed that people who drink more coffee have a lower risk of health issues and premature death from most health conditions, including heart attack and stroke, than those who didn't drink coffee much. Moreover, it also discovered that women who drink more of the brew had a reduced risk of developing breast cancer and osteoporosis.

Why is Coffee Bad for You?

For years, experts have warned coffee drinkers to avoid the brew because coffee may increase their risk of heart disease and stunt growth. Many worried that people who drink too much coffee could become addicted to the spike of energy that a relatively high amount of caffeine provided, leaving them to crave more as they become tolerant to high doses. However, these side effects were only possible when people who drink coffee exceed the recommended limit, which is 3 to 5 cups of coffee a day.

Plus, all their concerns emerged from studies from decades ago based on coffee drinkers and non-drinkers have relatively eased. That's because it turns out, coffee wasn't the one to blame for their conditions. It was more likely to the vices that regular coffee drinkers had, including smoking, drinking alcohol, and a lack of physical activity. So, if you don't need to worry about whether to drink coffee or not, and worry more about how long does coffee last?

This realization has led to a better reputation for the beverage, with recent studies revealing that people who drink the brew following the coffee per day limit don't have a higher risk for heart issues or cancer than people who didn't drink it. Plus, they found that coffee consumption has no significant link to cardiovascular problems.

What are the Negative Effects of Coffee?

Most coffees contain caffeine, even decaf coffee, which is a substance that can provide many advantages but fatal when overconsumed. Studies have proven that it can be beneficial when people have moderate coffee consumption. However, a higher dose of it can have uncomfortable and fatal side effects. But it's worth noting that genes have a significant influence on one's tolerance to it. Some can go and drink more than others without experiencing harmful effects.

But generally, here are the most typical negative effects of drinking coffee.

  • Increased Cholesterol
    Coffee beans contain two ingredients that can increase LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol levels: cafestol and kahweol. Although filtering grounds can trap most of these two ingredients, they are prominent in strong brews, including espresso, French press, Turkish coffee, and cowboy coffee. However, if you don't have any problems with your cholesterol, cafestol and kahweol can be healthy for your liver and have anti-cancer effects.
  • Insomnia
    Because of coffee's high caffeine content, people who consume too much of it are at risk of developing insomnia or restlessness. The recommended maximum amount of 400 milligrams, the same you'll get from four cups of coffee. When you go over that limitation, it can make your brain more alert and active, leaving you wide awake during the evening. Plus, if you're sensitive to the substance, it's best to avoid coffee altogether.
  • High Blood Pressure
    Although coffee is generally good for the heart, too much of it can raise blood pressure due to the stimulatory effect on your nervous system. If you have elevated blood pressure levels, you're at risk of getting a heart attack or stroke, damaging your arteries over time and restricting the blood flow to your heart.

The Benefits of Drinking Coffee Regularly

Different Benefits of Drinking Coffee

Besides knowing how much coffee to use, it pays to know the different benefits of drinking coffee to help you appreciate the craft behind the brew more. Studies have proven from time to time the many advantages of regular coffee drinking.

The following are some of them:

  • It's a Great Source of Antioxidants
    Coffee contains over 1,000 antioxidants when unroasted, while roast coffee has even more as they develop hundreds while going through the roasting process. Antioxidants can fight inflammation, which is the underlying cause of numerous chronic health conditions, ranging from arthritis to cancer. Chlorogenic acid, an essential antioxidant found in coffee, can improve heart health and prevent cardiovascular disease.
  • It Boosts Your Physical Performance
    Drinking a cup of arabica or black coffee with no milk and sugar before working out can improve your performance by up to 11% to 12%, aiding in fat burning and weight loss seamlessly. That's because caffeine can increase one's adrenaline levels, conditioning them for physical exertion, making it a great companion for your fitness routines.
  • It Can Help Fight Depression
    Depression is a severe mental disorder that can significantly reduce the quality of life, with some cases leading to suicidal tendencies. Coffee may lower the risk of an individual with depression by 20%. A study with over 200,000 respondents found that those who drank four or more cups of coffee per day were less likely to commit suicide.

Health Benefits of Coffee and Caffeine

Health Benefits of Coffee to People

Your daily cup of coffee may be providing more than a jolt of energy and a convenient early-morning pick-me-up. The number of health benefits of coffee is unprecedented, improving the lives of many people one cup at a time. So, if you've been aching to know how to brew coffee without coffee maker, now's the best time!

Here are the different health advantages of coffee and caffeine:

  • It Can Prolong Your Life
    Coffee may lower the risk of death, thanks to its many beneficial features, especially for individuals with type 2 diabetes. An increase in coffee consumption can lower the risk of death by 30%.
  • It May Lower Risk of Diabetes
    Type 2 diabetes is a significant health problem affecting millions of individuals globally, characterized by elevated blood sugar levels caused by insulin resistance. Avid coffee drinkers have a significantly reduced risk of type 2 diabetes.
  • It Can Protect Your Liver
    Your liver is an essential organ responsible for hundreds of functions in your body. Several common diseases can affect your liver, from fatty liver disease to hepatitis. Most of these can lead to cirrhosis (scarring on the liver), which can be fatal. Regular coffee consumption can protect against cirrhosis, maintaining the ideal liver enzyme levels. Plus, those who drink more cups per day have an 80% lower risk.

Coffee Health Benefits You May Not Realize

Coffee is a mysterious drink, and besides asking mocha coffee - what is it? Have you wondered what coffee health benefits are unexplored? Everyone knows it may lower the risk of type 2 diabetes, liver disease, or heart disease, but there are plenty of advantages beyond that, and you'd be surprised how much one coffee a day can benefit you.

Here are some health advantages of coffees that you may not realize existed in the first place.

  • It Can Lower Risk of Parkinson s Disease
    Parkinson's disease is a common neurodegenerative disorder caused by the degeneration of dopamine-generating neurons in your brain. Like with most neurodegenerative conditions, it doesn't have a cure. Fortunately, plenty of studies have proven that coffee can lower the risk of Parkinson s disease. It has a risk reduction percentage ranging from 32 to 60%.
  • It May Lower Risk of Certain Kinds of Cancer
    Cancer is one of the world's leading causes of death behind heart-related conditions, often characterized by uncontrolled cell growth in your body. Although coffee can't fight against all types of cancer, it's incredibly effective against colorectal and liver cancer. Coffee drinkers have a 40% lower risk of liver cancer.
  • It Might Protect You From Alzheimer s Disease
    Alzheimer s disease is the number one cause of neurodegeneration in people and the leading cause of dementia globally. Coffee can help prevent this condition, whether it's a flat white or regular brew. It boasts a 65% reduced risk rating.

Other Coffee Benefits Besides Improving Health

List of Coffee Benefits

All avid coffee drinkers know about the coffee benefits. Most don't need to see an infographic to tell that it can promote a lower risk of type-2 diabetes, liver disease or cancer, cardiovascular, etc. However, not many are familiar with its other advantages beyond health or medical concerns.

Whether you're drinking a brew with fresh grounds from an industrial coffee grinder or decaffeinated coffee, here are the other advantages of coffee besides improving health.

  • It Promotes Healthier Hair
    Applying fresh ground coffee beans to your hair and scalp may help stop hair loss and improve growth. That's because of its high caffeine content stimulating hair growth and preventing hair loss. It can block the effects of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in male hair follicles, so increase your caffeine consumption — topically for healthier and luscious hair.
  • It Makes You Smarter
    If you're looking to give your brain function an energy boost, drinking a cup per day may help. That's because the caffeine in the brew can black adenosine, an inhibitory neurotransmitter. This blockage increases the release of norepinephrine and dopamine, promoting a sharper mind.
  • It Can Boost Your Libido
    An advantage that not many people know of coffee is that it can increase libido, thanks to its caffeine. After all, it is a stimulant, so indulge in one cup at a time for a happier and healthier relationship with your significant other.

Is Coffee Good for Your Face?

Everyone knows that a cup of coffee can give you an antioxidant-rich brew internally, but did you know it also applies when you use it topically? Whether it's a face mask, body scrub, or paste, fresh coffee grounds can provide several visual advantages for your face and overall skin.

These include:

  • Cellulite Reduction
    Coffee may aid in reducing cellulite (uneven surface or dimpling) on the skin. The caffeine content of coffee can dilate blood vessels beneath the skin, improving blood circulation, which, in turn, decreases cellulite. You can use a coffee scrub on your face or skin to reduce cellulite appearance, proving an even appearance.
  • Anti-Aging
    Although it's not known what component is responsible for this, coffee can aid in decreasing the appearance of redness, fine lines, and sunspots on your face, which are common contributing factors to an aged appearance. Drinking coffee can help make you feel and look younger than ever.
  • Vitamin B3
    Coffee boasts a rich vitamin B3 or niacin source due to the breakdown of a critical component called trigonelline, breaking down the niacin after coffee beans get roasted. This nutrient can help in preventing non-melanoma skin cancer and other skin growth on your face or body.
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A couple of years ago, many people had some bad things to say about coffee, from stunting one's growth to causing heart disease — coffee is a prime example of how conflicting scientific studies provide mixed messages to the general public. One day, the brew is good for us, and the next day it's not. All the while, many people continue to ignore these conflicting findings and enjoy their favorite coffee drinks as part of their morning routines. However, you don't need to rely on guesswork anymore as coffee research has matured, placing us in an excellent position to see how the health benefits stack up for the beverage.

Now, researchers have revealed that the advantages of moderate coffee consumption outweighed the risk for most of the health outcomes associated with the brew. 'Moderate' consumption is 3 to 5 cups of coffee per day. Your coffee habit may be helping you enjoy many advantages, letting you feel more energetic while enjoying essential nutrients and preventing chronic diseases, allowing you to live longer and happier.

We hope this article helped you learn more about everyone's favorite brew, from reducing your risks of cancer to making your hair healthier and vibrant — you can never go wrong with a good cup of coffee. Just remember not to overdo it!

Dave Carter

As a coffee enthusiastic I share with you my latest and greatest coffee news and insights. I always interested in trying out new things about the best bean of the world which I sahre to you all as I want you to also enjoy the cup of coffee as much as I do. Due to my experience I will collect newest information for you I find around the globe, buy machines to help you understand and rate them correctly which may help you to decide better which one to buy. I´m always open to your feedback, so don´t hesitate to contact me anytime :-)

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