Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world and there are a lot of people who swear that they cannot start their day without it. It is enjoyed in different countries and cultures with different manners of brewing and service. You can refer to my cool blog for more coffee information. Despite its universal nature, consumers have different answers when asked “What is coffee?”.
Coffee is prepared from roasted coffee beans, which are the seeds of berries from the Coffea species. The plant is native to tropical Africa – specifically in the areas of Ethiopia and Sudan – Comoros, Madagascar, Mauritius, and Reunion in the Indian Ocean.
When brewed the drink is dark, bitter and slightly acidic with a stimulating effect from the caffeine content. There are some who brew green coffee resulting in a drink with a fresh, green flavor with a slightly floral aroma. Coffee is served with cream, milk, butter, egg, salt or sugar according to taste and preference. It is usually served hot, although iced coffee and even room temperature coffee has also become popular lately.
The history of coffee can be traced to the ancient coffee forests located on the Ethiopian plateau. According to legend, coffee was discovered by a goat herder who noticed the heightened energy of his herd after eating the berries. Coffee drinking and culture started from the lowly mountain bush, and continues to this day in this region.
From Africa, the next step in coffee’s journey was its cultivation in the Arabian peninsula. By the 15th century, coffee was widely cultivated in the region of present-day Yemen. The following century saw the spread of coffee cultivation to Persia in the east, and Syria, Egypt and Turkey in the west.
The drink, called qahveh khaneh, became popular in the homes and public coffee houses from the Arabian peninsula to the Mediterranean. Coffee houses became the center for information exchange among the people, often referring to them as Schools of the Wise.
The spread of coffee to the other parts of the world could be attributed to the thousands of pilgrims who visit the holy city of Mecca each year. The pilgrims learned to enjoy the “wine of Araby” and shared with everyone at home stories about such a wonderful drink. In time, coffee began to be enjoyed in Europe and was later brought to the Americas. By the 18th century, coffee has become a popular drink in many countries in the world.
Coffee is a stimulant, and during the Middle Ages, it was banned in some Moslem cities because of the rowdy behavior inside coffee houses. Besides the conviviality it brings as a communal drink, coffee drinking also has health benefits. The brew has high levels of antioxidants and other beneficial nutrients, making it a healthy drink.
The following are some of the health benefits of drinking coffee:
Coffee contains a stimulant called caffeine, which is the most consumed psychoactive substance in the world. When you drink coffee, caffeine is absorbed into the bloodstream and travels to the brain. Once it reaches the brain, it blocks the inhibitory neurotransmitter adenosine leading to an increase in the neurotransmitters norepinephrine and dopamine that enhance the firing of neurons.
Caffeine is an active ingredient in most fat-burning supplements. It is also believed that it boosts metabolism to help burn fat.
A cup of coffee contains pantothenic acid, riboflavin, potassium, manganese, niacin, and magnesium. People who consume several cups of coffee a day get a significant amount of these nutrients.
Drinking coffee significantly reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes.
Parkinson’s disease, a neurodegenerative condition, is caused by the death of dopamine-generating neurons in the bran. Studies have shown that regular consumption of coffee lowers the risk of getting this affliction.
A Harvard study in 2011 showed that drinking 4 or more cups of coffee per day lowers the risk of depression by about 20%.
It is claimed that coffee can protect a person against colorectal and cancer.
People eating the standard Western diet do not get many antioxidants from fruits and vegetables they eat. They get much of the needed antioxidants from the coffee they drink several times a day.
Healthcare professionals agree on the health benefits of drinking coffee. It is believed by many that drinking coffee regularly can boost longevity.
More than 400 billion cups of coffee are consumed in the world each year, making it the most popular beverage. Americans consume more than 450 millions cups of coffee each day.
The following are some facts about coffee you can shine with on your next coffee at your parents house:
Caffeine is the most widely used mood-altering drug in the world. People get it daily, mainly by drinking coffee. However, there are other sources of caffeine such as tea, sodas, and energy drinks, which a lot of people consume in great quantity daily. Caffeine is a bitter white powder chemically known as 1,3,7 trimethylxanthine, also known as theine, caffeine, guaranine, mateine, or methyltheobromine. Caffeine is absorbed into the bloodstream within 45 minutes of consuming it, but it takes longer for the body to break down and remove from the system. Caffeine has a half-life of about 4 hours although it takes as much as 12 hours before it is cleared from the system.
Caffeine is a mild stimulant that affects the central nervous system. When taken in moderate amounts, caffeine has positive effects on the body and mind of people. Coffee also aids in digestion and is drank after a meal. Medical professionals consider 400 milligrams of caffeine as a safe amount for adults’ daily consumption. Pregnant women are advised to take only 200 mg of caffeine. This is equivalent to one to two cups of coffee. Studies have shown that drinking four to five cups of coffee daily can result in a lower risk of prostate cancer.
Drinking four to five cups of coffee daily also lowers the risk of type 2 diabetes. Most coffee drinkers have a cup of coffee in the morning, with more than a few taking up to three or four cups throughout the day. Although coffee is not addictive, some drinkers feel that they need two cups of coffee in the morning to start the day right. Some even experience withdrawal symptoms when they do not get their daily coffee fix. Coffee calms the nerves. People get much more relaxed after drinking coffee because of its stimulating qualities. It is the best drink for whatever breakfast fare you are eating. To most people, breakfast will not be complete without a cup of coffee. During winter, a cup of coffee is your best friend. A cup of coffee after supper is the best way to warm up on a very cold winter night. If you do not want to drink alcoholic drinks in a social gathering, grab a cup of coffee to loosen you up, relax, and enjoy the gathering as you meet new people.
The effects of caffeine on people vary. Some are very sensitive to it, resulting in an upset stomach or a headache. Many people have trouble sleeping after drinking a cup of coffee, while others get jittery or experience heart palpitations when they consume about four cups of coffee a day. Drinking too much coffee may result in sleeplessness.
Coffee comes from the coffee plant, the Coffea family. The major specie are Coffea Arabica, Coffea Robusta and Coffea Liberica. The tree can grow as high as 20 meters in the case of Liberica. The fruit or berry is called the coffee cherry, which turns from green to red as it ripens. The coffee cherry is attached to the branch of the coffee plants. Ripe coffee cherries are hand-picked and from which the coffee seeds or beans are extracted.
Generally, the coffee tree is a tropical plant which grows at high altitude. The exception is the Liberica which can grow at lower altitudes compared to Robusta and Arabica. Liberica also grows taller, yields bigger coffee beans, and is more resistant to diseases. The Excelsa is a sub-species of Liberica.
Coffee beans are classified into four main coffee species: Arabica, Robusta, Liberica, and Excelsa. Of the four, Arabica coffees and Robusta bean are the two most popularly used in the world.
Coffea Arabica beans account for about 60% of the coffee consumption in the world. Arabica beans are considered to be of higher quality compared to the other varieties. It is also more expensive. It has more acidity than other coffee varieties.
Robusta beans are second in popularity and consumption. These are the coffee beans usually sold in groceries., People who brew their coffee at home most likely use this variety without them knowing it.
Robusta beans have twice the caffeine of Arabica coffee. This coffee variety is easier to grow than Arabica and is widely grown in Indonesia and Africa. It tends to be more bitter but is great for making espresso shots because of the deep flavor.
This variety is quite limited in availability as it is grown mainly in the Philippines. The coffee plant is a relatively tall tree which can grow to more than 9 meters, or 30 feet. Liberica beans have a fruity and floral aroma, with full body and smoky, woody flavor. Liberica have distinctive coffee beans which are larger than those of other species.
Excelsa beans represent only about 7% of the coffee consumption in the world. This variety grows only in Southeast Asia and is considered a genus of Liberica beans. It has a fruity and tart flavor.
There are many coffee varieties in the world, with the following considered as the most popular and well-known to coffee farmers and drinkers: Although there are only 4 coffee types, the different growing conditions and climates contribute to create different varieties with their own unique characteristics. Although the concept of terroir is not regulated in the coffee growing industry, the different varieties attest to the effect of environment, soil, weather and climate to the quality of coffee.
Coffee has become part of the culture of different countries. It is brewed and consumed differently in different parts of the world. For instance, Turkish coffee is a beverage served by Turks to their guests. It is an extra fine grind which leaves a muddy residue at the bottom of the cup. The Italians drink espresso at any time, but they only drink cappuccino before breakfast and not at any other time of the day.
Australians and New Zealanders have their long black and flat white coffee, which are espresso-based beverages. The Vietnamese enjoy the sweet Vietnam coffee, while in Austria there is the Vienna coffee.Navy sailors have a dash of salt in their coffee instead of sugar. In Canada, there are some who brew coffee in a kettle with an egg.
Coffee is one of the few drinks that many people can’t do without. A good portion of the population starts their day with a cup of coffee, with many of them continuing to drink it throughout the day. A cup of coffee usually starts a person’s day and a shot of espresso is typically the nightcap to end a busy and long day.
Coffee is produced from the coffee tree. The ripe red coffee cherries are harvested and the coffee beans are extracted. That is only the beginning of coffee production. All the rest of the process requires care and a delicate palate. From the coffee cherry to the cup, the beans are dried, roasted, and ground before brewing. Blending is a necessary part of the process. The coffee industry depends on blending to ensure even quality.
When you open a bag of coffee beans, these are not all from the same tree. Commercial coffee bags you buy at the supermarket may contain coffee beans from different farms, or even from different countries, varieties or types of coffees. The blending process ensures that the coffee flavor from different bags all taste the same. The wider variety of sources includes cheaper beans or different roasts. This results in a lower quality and a cheaper, more affordable bag of coffee beans.
On the other hand, specialty coffee brands are expensive because these come from specific farms, varieties or types of beans. The only blending done by the manufacturers is to make sure that the coffee brewed from these bags have a consistent flavor throughout the batch.
Coffee in a can has become a famous and more delicious blend of caffeine. Nitro cold brew coffee is manufactured by Confluence Coffee Company and comes in 355ml size, with 28 calories per serving. The nutritional value per suggested serving is 0mg of cholesterol, o mg sodium, 6g of carbohydrates, 0g of dietary fiber, 5g of sugar, and 0g of proteins. It is considered a low-fat food since it only contains 3 grams of fat per serving.
Cold-brew coffee is not just your usual coffee fad, but it is a method of chilling coffee to make it smoother and less bitter sip. But, what makes cold-brew coffee different from iced coffee? Even though both varieties are served over ice, the method of brewing is different. Iced coffee is hot coffee that has been brewed or blended with hot water, then poured over ice cubes to chill. Perversely, this process allows some of the coffee’s flavor to taste bitter as it oxidizes.
Confluence Coffee Company
Confluence Coffee company is a craft coffee brewery that specializes in ready-to-drink coffees. There are three flavors of cold brew coffee, the original oak, lemon, and mocha. These creations are a perfect combination of the art of coffee with the help of craft beer making techniques to produce a delicious drink like no other. At present, Confluence coffee is a local startup that has become one of the biggest nitro cold breweries in the country. They started by producing small liter batches, and now it is pumping out around 45 barrels or 31 gallons of the nitro-infused drink into cans every two weeks.
A confluence is an act or process of merging. And there is nothing that could describe their coffee. Confluence Coffee has been offering cold brew in bottles and on nitro taps. But they wanted everyone to enjoy their coffee, so they launched their line of nitro cold brew cans. Confluence Coffee delivers this nitro coffee in cans so you can have the delicious nitro cold brew anywhere you go.
So What's All This "Nitro" Talk
“Nitro” refers to nitrogen gas that is being used in pressurizing beers, which is popular in Dublin. Nitrogen gas bubbles are smaller than carbon dioxide, a gas that is used in carbonated beverages that don't dissolve in beer easily. So when you pour nitro beer from a tap or can, the nitrogen bubbles will rush out and give the beer a signature “head.” Employing this process shares a creamy feel and taste, which does not make the beer fizzy. Similar to coffee, people may think that milk was added to nitro cold brew, but there was not. The nitro gas helps enhance the natural taste of coffee and make the nitro cold brew ultra drinkable.
Confluence Coffee is thriving to become a staple company in the coffee industry across the region. However, its biggest challenge is to educate consumers who are often confused about their product. Confluence uses Blanchard’s roast for their cold brew. It is a specific Honduran bean picked for its versatility. The process of brewing the cold coffee involves steeping the ground in chilled water for 24 hours. This cold-brew process results in a less acidic and more caffeinated drink. Confluence coffee is available anywhere you want a can!
One important factor that determines the taste of coffee is the degree to which the beans are roasted. Green beans are soft, tasteless, and a fresh smell. The roasting process changes the raw beans into the flavorful, aromatic, crunchy beans that people recognize as coffee. Roasting coffee breaks down the beans to release its oils, and subsequently its aroma. Coffee roast levels may be commonly described based on the color, which ranges from light to dark. While the age of the coffee, the grind, the processing method, and the brewing method affect the taste of the coffee, the roast level provides the baseline for the coffee taste that drinkers expect. There are no definitive standards on roast names but in general, coffee roasts can be categorized as follows:
Variations to roasts include the city roast, American roast and the Vienna roast.
The coffee beans need to be ground before they can be used to brew coffee. There are different equipment to produce different grind levels for the type of coffee or coffee brewing method you are using. Generally, there are seven grind levels of coffee beans:
Cupping or tasting is used by the stakeholders in the coffee business – producers, roasters, importers, and baristas – to evaluate coffee in the most objective manner possible. Cupping is an efficient way of performing quality control and grading samples of coffee from different parts of the world to bring the best-tasting and most flavorful coffee to discriminating coffee drinkers.
The tasting and grading process of the brew is quite simple, done in the following steps:
Coffee is not only a common beverage the world over, it also has some attached cultural influences. It is more than just a bean, or a beverage. For plenty of people it is an integral part of their everyday life. For dedicated coffee drinkers like me, it is only fitting that they know and understand a little bit more about their favorite drink. After learning a few important things about this favorite beverage in the world, fewer people will be asking what is Coffee? Also, you can help me to distribute this knowledge around the globe!
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